Source code for d3rlpy.preprocessing.scalers

from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Type

import gym
import numpy as np
import torch

from ..dataset import Episode, MDPDataset
from ..decorators import pretty_repr

class Scaler:

    TYPE: ClassVar[str] = "none"

    def fit(self, episodes: List[Episode]) -> None:
        """Estimates scaling parameters from dataset.

            episodes: list of episodes.

        raise NotImplementedError

    def fit_with_env(self, env: gym.Env) -> None:
        """Gets scaling parameters from environment.

            env: gym environment.

        raise NotImplementedError

    def transform(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Returns processed observations.

            x: observation.

            processed observation.

        raise NotImplementedError

    def reverse_transform(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        """Returns reversely transformed observations.

            x: observation.

            reversely transformed observation.

        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_type(self) -> str:
        """Returns a scaler type.

            scaler type.

        return self.TYPE

    def get_params(self, deep: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Returns scaling parameters.

            deep: flag to deeply copy objects.

            scaler parameters.

        raise NotImplementedError

[docs]class PixelScaler(Scaler): """Pixel normalization preprocessing. .. math:: x' = x / 255 .. code-block:: python from d3rlpy.dataset import MDPDataset from d3rlpy.algos import CQL dataset = MDPDataset(observations, actions, rewards, terminals) # initialize algorithm with PixelScaler cql = CQL(scaler='pixel') """ TYPE: ClassVar[str] = "pixel"
[docs] def fit(self, episodes: List[Episode]) -> None: pass
[docs] def fit_with_env(self, env: gym.Env) -> None: pass
[docs] def transform(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return x.float() / 255.0
[docs] def reverse_transform(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return (x * 255.0).long()
[docs] def get_params(self, deep: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: return {}
[docs]class MinMaxScaler(Scaler): r"""Min-Max normalization preprocessing. .. math:: x' = (x - \min{x}) / (\max{x} - \min{x}) .. code-block:: python from d3rlpy.dataset import MDPDataset from d3rlpy.algos import CQL dataset = MDPDataset(observations, actions, rewards, terminals) # initialize algorithm with MinMaxScaler cql = CQL(scaler='min_max') # scaler is initialized from the given episodes You can also initialize with :class:`d3rlpy.dataset.MDPDataset` object or manually. .. code-block:: python from d3rlpy.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler # initialize with dataset scaler = MinMaxScaler(dataset) # initialize manually minimum = observations.min(axis=0) maximum = observations.max(axis=0) scaler = MinMaxScaler(minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum) cql = CQL(scaler=scaler) Args: dataset (d3rlpy.dataset.MDPDataset): dataset object. min (numpy.ndarray): minimum values at each entry. max (numpy.ndarray): maximum values at each entry. """ TYPE: ClassVar[str] = "min_max" _minimum: Optional[np.ndarray] _maximum: Optional[np.ndarray] def __init__( self, dataset: Optional[MDPDataset] = None, maximum: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, minimum: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ): self._minimum = None self._maximum = None if dataset: elif maximum is not None and minimum is not None: self._minimum = np.asarray(minimum) self._maximum = np.asarray(maximum)
[docs] def fit(self, episodes: List[Episode]) -> None: if self._minimum is not None and self._maximum is not None: return for i, e in enumerate(episodes): observations = np.asarray(e.observations) if i == 0: minimum = observations.min(axis=0) maximum = observations.max(axis=0) continue minimum = np.minimum(minimum, observations.min(axis=0)) maximum = np.maximum(maximum, observations.max(axis=0)) self._minimum = minimum.reshape((1,) + minimum.shape) self._maximum = maximum.reshape((1,) + maximum.shape)
[docs] def fit_with_env(self, env: gym.Env) -> None: if self._minimum is not None and self._maximum is not None: return assert isinstance(env.observation_space, gym.spaces.Box) shape = env.observation_space.shape low = np.asarray(env.observation_space.low) high = np.asarray(env.observation_space.high) self._minimum = low.reshape((1,) + shape) self._maximum = high.reshape((1,) + shape)
[docs] def transform(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: assert self._minimum is not None and self._maximum is not None minimum = torch.tensor( self._minimum, dtype=torch.float32, device=x.device ) maximum = torch.tensor( self._maximum, dtype=torch.float32, device=x.device ) return (x - minimum) / (maximum - minimum)
[docs] def reverse_transform(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: assert self._minimum is not None and self._maximum is not None minimum = torch.tensor( self._minimum, dtype=torch.float32, device=x.device ) maximum = torch.tensor( self._maximum, dtype=torch.float32, device=x.device ) return ((maximum - minimum) * x) + minimum
[docs] def get_params(self, deep: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: if self._maximum is not None: maximum = self._maximum.copy() if deep else self._maximum else: maximum = None if self._minimum is not None: minimum = self._minimum.copy() if deep else self._minimum else: minimum = None return {"maximum": maximum, "minimum": minimum}
[docs]class StandardScaler(Scaler): r"""Standardization preprocessing. .. math:: x' = (x - \mu) / \sigma .. code-block:: python from d3rlpy.dataset import MDPDataset from d3rlpy.algos import CQL dataset = MDPDataset(observations, actions, rewards, terminals) # initialize algorithm with StandardScaler cql = CQL(scaler='standard') # scaler is initialized from the given episodes You can initialize with :class:`d3rlpy.dataset.MDPDataset` object or manually. .. code-block:: python from d3rlpy.preprocessing import StandardScaler # initialize with dataset scaler = StandardScaler(dataset) # initialize manually mean = observations.mean(axis=0) std = observations.std(axis=0) scaler = StandardScaler(mean=mean, std=std) cql = CQL(scaler=scaler) Args: dataset (d3rlpy.dataset.MDPDataset): dataset object. mean (numpy.ndarray): mean values at each entry. std (numpy.ndarray): standard deviation at each entry. eps (float): small constant value to avoid zero-division. """ TYPE = "standard" _mean: Optional[np.ndarray] _std: Optional[np.ndarray] _eps: float def __init__( self, dataset: Optional[MDPDataset] = None, mean: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, std: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, eps: float = 1e-3, ): self._mean = None self._std = None self._eps = eps if dataset: elif mean is not None and std is not None: self._mean = np.asarray(mean) self._std = np.asarray(std)
[docs] def fit(self, episodes: List[Episode]) -> None: if self._mean is not None and self._std is not None: return # compute mean total_sum = np.zeros(episodes[0].get_observation_shape()) total_count = 0 for e in episodes: observations = np.asarray(e.observations) total_sum += observations.sum(axis=0) total_count += observations.shape[0] mean = total_sum / total_count # compute stdandard deviation total_sqsum = np.zeros(episodes[0].get_observation_shape()) expanded_mean = mean.reshape((1,) + mean.shape) for e in episodes: observations = np.asarray(e.observations) total_sqsum += ((observations - expanded_mean) ** 2).sum(axis=0) std = np.sqrt(total_sqsum / total_count) self._mean = mean.reshape((1,) + mean.shape) self._std = std.reshape((1,) + std.shape)
[docs] def fit_with_env(self, env: gym.Env) -> None: if self._mean is not None and self._std is not None: return raise NotImplementedError( "standard scaler does not support fit_with_env." )
[docs] def transform(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: assert self._mean is not None and self._std is not None mean = torch.tensor(self._mean, dtype=torch.float32, device=x.device) std = torch.tensor(self._std, dtype=torch.float32, device=x.device) return (x - mean) / (std + self._eps)
[docs] def reverse_transform(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: assert self._mean is not None and self._std is not None mean = torch.tensor(self._mean, dtype=torch.float32, device=x.device) std = torch.tensor(self._std, dtype=torch.float32, device=x.device) return ((std + self._eps) * x) + mean
[docs] def get_params(self, deep: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Any]: if self._mean is not None: mean = self._mean.copy() if deep else self._mean else: mean = None if self._std is not None: std = self._std.copy() if deep else self._std else: std = None return {"mean": mean, "std": std, "eps": self._eps}
SCALER_LIST: Dict[str, Type[Scaler]] = {} def register_scaler(cls: Type[Scaler]) -> None: """Registers scaler class. Args: cls: scaler class inheriting ``Scaler``. """ is_registered = cls.TYPE in SCALER_LIST assert not is_registered, "%s seems to be already registered" % cls.TYPE SCALER_LIST[cls.TYPE] = cls def create_scaler(name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Scaler: """Returns registered scaler object. Args: name: regsitered scaler type name. kwargs: scaler arguments. Returns: scaler object. """ assert name in SCALER_LIST, "%s seems not to be registered." % name scaler = SCALER_LIST[name](**kwargs) # type: ignore assert isinstance(scaler, Scaler) return scaler register_scaler(PixelScaler) register_scaler(MinMaxScaler) register_scaler(StandardScaler)