Source code for d3rlpy.algos.td3

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence

from ..argument_utility import (
from ..constants import IMPL_NOT_INITIALIZED_ERROR, ActionSpace
from ..dataset import TransitionMiniBatch
from ..gpu import Device
from ..models.encoders import EncoderFactory
from ..models.optimizers import AdamFactory, OptimizerFactory
from ..models.q_functions import QFunctionFactory
from .base import AlgoBase
from .torch.td3_impl import TD3Impl

[docs]class TD3(AlgoBase): r"""Twin Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients algorithm. TD3 is an improved DDPG-based algorithm. Major differences from DDPG are as follows. * TD3 has twin Q functions to reduce overestimation bias at TD learning. The number of Q functions can be designated by `n_critics`. * TD3 adds noise to target value estimation to avoid overfitting with the deterministic policy. * TD3 updates the policy function after several Q function updates in order to reduce variance of action-value estimation. The interval of the policy function update can be designated by `update_actor_interval`. .. math:: L(\theta_i) = \mathbb{E}_{s_t, a_t, r_{t+1}, s_{t+1} \sim D} [(r_{t+1} + \gamma \min_j Q_{\theta_j'}(s_{t+1}, \pi_{\phi'}(s_{t+1}) + \epsilon) - Q_{\theta_i}(s_t, a_t))^2] .. math:: J(\phi) = \mathbb{E}_{s_t \sim D} [\min_i Q_{\theta_i}(s_t, \pi_\phi(s_t))] where :math:`\epsilon \sim clip (N(0, \sigma), -c, c)` References: * `Fujimoto et al., Addressing Function Approximation Error in Actor-Critic Methods. <>`_ Args: actor_learning_rate (float): learning rate for a policy function. critic_learning_rate (float): learning rate for Q functions. actor_optim_factory (d3rlpy.models.optimizers.OptimizerFactory): optimizer factory for the actor. critic_optim_factory (d3rlpy.models.optimizers.OptimizerFactory): optimizer factory for the critic. actor_encoder_factory (d3rlpy.models.encoders.EncoderFactory or str): encoder factory for the actor. critic_encoder_factory (d3rlpy.models.encoders.EncoderFactory or str): encoder factory for the critic. q_func_factory (d3rlpy.models.q_functions.QFunctionFactory or str): Q function factory. batch_size (int): mini-batch size. n_frames (int): the number of frames to stack for image observation. n_steps (int): N-step TD calculation. gamma (float): discount factor. tau (float): target network synchronization coefficiency. n_critics (int): the number of Q functions for ensemble. target_reduction_type (str): ensemble reduction method at target value estimation. The available options are ``['min', 'max', 'mean', 'mix', 'none']``. target_smoothing_sigma (float): standard deviation for target noise. target_smoothing_clip (float): clipping range for target noise. update_actor_interval (int): interval to update policy function described as `delayed policy update` in the paper. use_gpu (bool, int or d3rlpy.gpu.Device): flag to use GPU, device ID or device. scaler (d3rlpy.preprocessing.Scaler or str): preprocessor. The available options are `['pixel', 'min_max', 'standard']`. action_scaler (d3rlpy.preprocessing.ActionScaler or str): action preprocessor. The available options are ``['min_max']``. reward_scaler (d3rlpy.preprocessing.RewardScaler or str): reward preprocessor. The available options are ``['clip', 'min_max', 'standard']``. impl (d3rlpy.algos.torch.td3_impl.TD3Impl): algorithm implementation. """ _actor_learning_rate: float _critic_learning_rate: float _actor_optim_factory: OptimizerFactory _critic_optim_factory: OptimizerFactory _actor_encoder_factory: EncoderFactory _critic_encoder_factory: EncoderFactory _q_func_factory: QFunctionFactory _tau: float _n_critics: int _target_reduction_type: str _target_smoothing_sigma: float _target_smoothing_clip: float _update_actor_interval: int _use_gpu: Optional[Device] _impl: Optional[TD3Impl] def __init__( self, *, actor_learning_rate: float = 3e-4, critic_learning_rate: float = 3e-4, actor_optim_factory: OptimizerFactory = AdamFactory(), critic_optim_factory: OptimizerFactory = AdamFactory(), actor_encoder_factory: EncoderArg = "default", critic_encoder_factory: EncoderArg = "default", q_func_factory: QFuncArg = "mean", batch_size: int = 100, n_frames: int = 1, n_steps: int = 1, gamma: float = 0.99, tau: float = 0.005, n_critics: int = 2, target_reduction_type: str = "min", target_smoothing_sigma: float = 0.2, target_smoothing_clip: float = 0.5, update_actor_interval: int = 2, use_gpu: UseGPUArg = False, scaler: ScalerArg = None, action_scaler: ActionScalerArg = None, reward_scaler: RewardScalerArg = None, impl: Optional[TD3Impl] = None, **kwargs: Any ): super().__init__( batch_size=batch_size, n_frames=n_frames, n_steps=n_steps, gamma=gamma, scaler=scaler, action_scaler=action_scaler, reward_scaler=reward_scaler, kwargs=kwargs, ) self._actor_learning_rate = actor_learning_rate self._critic_learning_rate = critic_learning_rate self._actor_optim_factory = actor_optim_factory self._critic_optim_factory = critic_optim_factory self._actor_encoder_factory = check_encoder(actor_encoder_factory) self._critic_encoder_factory = check_encoder(critic_encoder_factory) self._q_func_factory = check_q_func(q_func_factory) self._tau = tau self._n_critics = n_critics self._target_reduction_type = target_reduction_type self._target_smoothing_sigma = target_smoothing_sigma self._target_smoothing_clip = target_smoothing_clip self._update_actor_interval = update_actor_interval self._use_gpu = check_use_gpu(use_gpu) self._impl = impl def _create_impl( self, observation_shape: Sequence[int], action_size: int ) -> None: self._impl = TD3Impl( observation_shape=observation_shape, action_size=action_size, actor_learning_rate=self._actor_learning_rate, critic_learning_rate=self._critic_learning_rate, actor_optim_factory=self._actor_optim_factory, critic_optim_factory=self._critic_optim_factory, actor_encoder_factory=self._actor_encoder_factory, critic_encoder_factory=self._critic_encoder_factory, q_func_factory=self._q_func_factory, gamma=self._gamma, tau=self._tau, n_critics=self._n_critics, target_reduction_type=self._target_reduction_type, target_smoothing_sigma=self._target_smoothing_sigma, target_smoothing_clip=self._target_smoothing_clip, use_gpu=self._use_gpu, scaler=self._scaler, action_scaler=self._action_scaler, reward_scaler=self._reward_scaler, ) def _update(self, batch: TransitionMiniBatch) -> Dict[str, float]: assert self._impl is not None, IMPL_NOT_INITIALIZED_ERROR metrics = {} critic_loss = self._impl.update_critic(batch) metrics.update({"critic_loss": critic_loss}) # delayed policy update if self._grad_step % self._update_actor_interval == 0: actor_loss = self._impl.update_actor(batch) metrics.update({"actor_loss": actor_loss}) self._impl.update_critic_target() self._impl.update_actor_target() return metrics
[docs] def get_action_type(self) -> ActionSpace: return ActionSpace.CONTINUOUS