Source code for d3rlpy.metrics.scorer

from typing import Any, Callable, List, Iterator, Tuple, Union, cast
from typing_extensions import Protocol

import numpy as np
import gym

from ..preprocessing.stack import StackedObservation
from ..dataset import Episode, TransitionMiniBatch


class AlgoProtocol(Protocol):
    def predict(self, x: Union[np.ndarray, List[Any]]) -> np.ndarray:

    def predict_value(
        x: Union[np.ndarray, List[Any]],
        action: Union[np.ndarray, List[Any]],
        with_std: bool = False,
    ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]:

    def n_frames(self) -> int:

    def gamma(self) -> float:

class DynamicsProtocol(Protocol):
    def predict(
        x: Union[np.ndarray, List[Any]],
        action: Union[np.ndarray, List[Any]],
        with_variance: bool = False,
    ) -> Union[
        Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]

    def n_frames(self) -> int:

def _make_batches(
    episode: Episode, window_size: int, n_frames: int
) -> Iterator[TransitionMiniBatch]:
    n_batches = len(episode) // window_size
    if len(episode) % window_size != 0:
        n_batches += 1
    for i in range(n_batches):
        head_index = i * window_size
        last_index = min(head_index + window_size, len(episode))
        transitions = episode.transitions[head_index:last_index]
        batch = TransitionMiniBatch(transitions, n_frames)
        yield batch

[docs]def td_error_scorer(algo: AlgoProtocol, episodes: List[Episode]) -> float: r"""Returns average TD error (in negative scale). This metics suggests how Q functions overfit to training sets. If the TD error is large, the Q functions are overfitting. .. math:: \mathbb{E}_{s_t, a_t, r_{t+1}, s_{t+1} \sim D} [Q_\theta (s_t, a_t) - (r_t + \gamma \max_a Q_\theta (s_{t+1}, a))^2] Args: algo: algorithm. episodes: list of episodes. Returns: negative average TD error. """ total_errors = [] for episode in episodes: for batch in _make_batches(episode, WINDOW_SIZE, algo.n_frames): # estimate values for current observations values = algo.predict_value(batch.observations, batch.actions) # estimate values for next observations next_actions = algo.predict(batch.next_observations) next_values = algo.predict_value( batch.next_observations, next_actions ) # calculate td errors mask = (1.0 - np.asarray(batch.terminals)).reshape(-1) rewards = np.asarray(batch.next_rewards).reshape(-1) y = rewards + algo.gamma * cast(np.ndarray, next_values) * mask total_errors += ((values - y) ** 2).tolist() # smaller is better return -float(np.mean(total_errors))
[docs]def discounted_sum_of_advantage_scorer( algo: AlgoProtocol, episodes: List[Episode] ) -> float: r"""Returns average of discounted sum of advantage (in negative scale). This metrics suggests how the greedy-policy selects different actions in action-value space. If the sum of advantage is small, the policy selects actions with larger estimated action-values. .. math:: \mathbb{E}_{s_t, a_t \sim D} [\sum_{t' = t} \gamma^{t' - t} A(s_{t'}, a_{t'})] where :math:`A(s_t, a_t) = Q_\theta (s_t, a_t) - \max_a Q_\theta (s_t, a)`. References: * `Murphy., A generalization error for Q-Learning. <>`_ Args: algo: algorithm. episodes: list of episodes. Returns: negative average of discounted sum of advantage. """ total_sums = [] for episode in episodes: for batch in _make_batches(episode, WINDOW_SIZE, algo.n_frames): # estimate values for dataset actions dataset_values = algo.predict_value( batch.observations, batch.actions ) dataset_values = cast(np.ndarray, dataset_values) # estimate values for the current policy actions = algo.predict(batch.observations) on_policy_values = algo.predict_value(batch.observations, actions) # calculate advantages advantages = (dataset_values - on_policy_values).tolist() # calculate discounted sum of advantages A = advantages[-1] sum_advantages = [A] for advantage in reversed(advantages[:-1]): A = advantage + algo.gamma * A sum_advantages.append(A) total_sums += sum_advantages # smaller is better return -float(np.mean(total_sums))
[docs]def average_value_estimation_scorer( algo: AlgoProtocol, episodes: List[Episode] ) -> float: r"""Returns average value estimation (in negative scale). This metrics suggests the scale for estimation of Q functions. If average value estimation is too large, the Q functions overestimate action-values, which possibly makes training failed. .. math:: \mathbb{E}_{s_t \sim D} [ \max_a Q_\theta (s_t, a)] Args: algo: algorithm. episodes: list of episodes. Returns: negative average value estimation. """ total_values = [] for episode in episodes: for batch in _make_batches(episode, WINDOW_SIZE, algo.n_frames): actions = algo.predict(batch.observations) values = algo.predict_value(batch.observations, actions) total_values += cast(np.ndarray, values).tolist() # smaller is better, maybe? return -float(np.mean(total_values))
[docs]def value_estimation_std_scorer( algo: AlgoProtocol, episodes: List[Episode] ) -> float: r"""Returns standard deviation of value estimation (in negative scale). This metrics suggests how confident Q functions are for the given episodes. This metrics will be more accurate with `boostrap` enabled and the larger `n_critics` at algorithm. If standard deviation of value estimation is large, the Q functions are overfitting to the training set. .. math:: \mathbb{E}_{s_t \sim D, a \sim \text{argmax}_a Q_\theta(s_t, a)} [Q_{\text{std}}(s_t, a)] where :math:`Q_{\text{std}}(s, a)` is a standard deviation of action-value estimation over ensemble functions. Args: algo: algorithm. episodes: list of episodes. Returns: negative standard deviation. """ total_stds = [] for episode in episodes: for batch in _make_batches(episode, WINDOW_SIZE, algo.n_frames): actions = algo.predict(batch.observations) _, stds = algo.predict_value(batch.observations, actions, True) total_stds += stds.tolist() # smaller is better return -float(np.mean(total_stds))
[docs]def initial_state_value_estimation_scorer( algo: AlgoProtocol, episodes: List[Episode] ) -> float: r"""Returns mean estimated action-values at the initial states. This metrics suggests how much return the trained policy would get from the initial states by deploying the policy to the states. If the estimated value is large, the trained policy is expected to get higher returns. .. math:: \mathbb{E}_{s_0 \sim D} [Q(s_0, \pi(s_0))] References: * `Paine et al., Hyperparameter Selection for Offline Reinforcement Learning <>`_ Args: algo: algorithm. episodes: list of episodes. Returns: mean action-value estimation at the initial states. """ total_values = [] for episode in episodes: for batch in _make_batches(episode, WINDOW_SIZE, algo.n_frames): # estimate action-value in initial states actions = algo.predict([batch.observations[0]]) values = algo.predict_value([batch.observations[0]], actions) total_values.append(values[0]) return float(np.mean(total_values))
[docs]def soft_opc_scorer( return_threshold: float, ) -> Callable[[AlgoProtocol, List[Episode]], float]: r"""Returns Soft Off-Policy Classification metrics. This function returns scorer function, which is suitable to the standard scikit-learn scorer function style. The metrics of the scorer funciton is evaluating gaps of action-value estimation between the success episodes and the all episodes. If the learned Q-function is optimal, action-values in success episodes are expected to be higher than the others. The success episode is defined as an episode with a return above the given threshold. .. math:: \mathbb{E}_{s, a \sim D_{success}} [Q(s, a)] - \mathbb{E}_{s, a \sim D} [Q(s, a)] .. code-block:: python from d3rlpy.datasets import get_cartpole from d3rlpy.algos import DQN from d3rlpy.metrics.scorer import soft_opc_scorer from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split dataset, _ = get_cartpole() train_episodes, test_episodes = train_test_split(dataset, test_size=0.2) scorer = soft_opc_scorer(return_threshold=180) dqn = DQN(), eval_episodes=test_episodes, scorers={'soft_opc': scorer}) References: * `Irpan et al., Off-Policy Evaluation via Off-Policy Classification. <>`_ Args: return_threshold: threshold of success episodes. Returns: scorer function. """ def scorer(algo: AlgoProtocol, episodes: List[Episode]) -> float: success_values = [] all_values = [] for episode in episodes: is_success = episode.compute_return() >= return_threshold for batch in _make_batches(episode, WINDOW_SIZE, algo.n_frames): values = algo.predict_value(batch.observations, batch.actions) values = cast(np.ndarray, values) all_values += values.reshape(-1).tolist() if is_success: success_values += values.reshape(-1).tolist() return float(np.mean(success_values) - np.mean(all_values)) return scorer
[docs]def continuous_action_diff_scorer( algo: AlgoProtocol, episodes: List[Episode] ) -> float: r"""Returns squared difference of actions between algorithm and dataset. This metrics suggests how different the greedy-policy is from the given episodes in continuous action-space. If the given episodes are near-optimal, the small action difference would be better. .. math:: \mathbb{E}_{s_t, a_t \sim D} [(a_t - \pi_\phi (s_t))^2] Args: algo: algorithm. episodes: list of episodes. Returns: negative squared action difference. """ total_diffs = [] for episode in episodes: for batch in _make_batches(episode, WINDOW_SIZE, algo.n_frames): actions = algo.predict(batch.observations) diff = ((batch.actions - actions) ** 2).sum(axis=1).tolist() total_diffs += diff # smaller is better, sometimes? return -float(np.mean(total_diffs))
[docs]def discrete_action_match_scorer( algo: AlgoProtocol, episodes: List[Episode] ) -> float: r"""Returns percentage of identical actions between algorithm and dataset. This metrics suggests how different the greedy-policy is from the given episodes in discrete action-space. If the given episdoes are near-optimal, the large percentage would be better. .. math:: \frac{1}{N} \sum^N \parallel \{a_t = \text{argmax}_a Q_\theta (s_t, a)\} Args: algo: algorithm. episodes: list of episodes. Returns: percentage of identical actions. """ total_matches = [] for episode in episodes: for batch in _make_batches(episode, WINDOW_SIZE, algo.n_frames): actions = algo.predict(batch.observations) match = (batch.actions.reshape(-1) == actions).tolist() total_matches += match return float(np.mean(total_matches))
[docs]def evaluate_on_environment( env: gym.Env, n_trials: int = 10, epsilon: float = 0.0, render: bool = False ) -> Callable[..., float]: """Returns scorer function of evaluation on environment. This function returns scorer function, which is suitable to the standard scikit-learn scorer function style. The metrics of the scorer function is ideal metrics to evaluate the resulted policies. .. code-block:: python import gym from d3rlpy.algos import DQN from d3rlpy.metrics.scorer import evaluate_on_environment env = gym.make('CartPole-v0') scorer = evaluate_on_environment(env) cql = CQL() mean_episode_return = scorer(cql) Args: env: gym-styled environment. n_trials: the number of trials. epsilon: noise factor for epsilon-greedy policy. render: flag to render environment. Returns: scoerer function. """ # for image observation observation_shape = env.observation_space.shape is_image = len(observation_shape) == 3 def scorer(algo: AlgoProtocol, *args: Any) -> float: if is_image: stacked_observation = StackedObservation( observation_shape, algo.n_frames ) episode_rewards = [] for _ in range(n_trials): observation = env.reset() episode_reward = 0.0 # frame stacking if is_image: stacked_observation.clear() stacked_observation.append(observation) while True: # take action if np.random.random() < epsilon: action = env.action_space.sample() else: if is_image: action = algo.predict([stacked_observation.eval()])[0] else: action = algo.predict([observation])[0] observation, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) episode_reward += reward if is_image: stacked_observation.append(observation) if render: env.render() if done: break episode_rewards.append(episode_reward) return float(np.mean(episode_rewards)) return scorer
[docs]def dynamics_observation_prediction_error_scorer( dynamics: DynamicsProtocol, episodes: List[Episode] ) -> float: r"""Returns MSE of observation prediction (in negative scale). This metrics suggests how dynamics model is generalized to test sets. If the MSE is large, the dynamics model are overfitting. .. math:: \mathbb{E}_{s_t, a_t, s_{t+1} \sim D} [(s_{t+1} - s')^2] where :math:`s' \sim T(s_t, a_t)`. Args: dynamics: dynamics model. episodes: list of episodes. Returns: negative mean squared error. """ total_errors = [] for episode in episodes: for batch in _make_batches(episode, WINDOW_SIZE, dynamics.n_frames): pred = dynamics.predict(batch.observations, batch.actions) errors = ((batch.next_observations - pred[0]) ** 2).sum(axis=1) total_errors += errors.tolist() # smaller is better return -float(np.mean(total_errors))
[docs]def dynamics_reward_prediction_error_scorer( dynamics: DynamicsProtocol, episodes: List[Episode] ) -> float: r"""Returns MSE of reward prediction (in negative scale). This metrics suggests how dynamics model is generalized to test sets. If the MSE is large, the dynamics model are overfitting. .. math:: \mathbb{E}_{s_t, a_t, r_{t+1} \sim D} [(r_{t+1} - r')^2] where :math:`r' \sim T(s_t, a_t)`. Args: dynamics: dynamics model. episodes: list of episodes. Returns: negative mean squared error. """ total_errors = [] for episode in episodes: for batch in _make_batches(episode, WINDOW_SIZE, dynamics.n_frames): pred = dynamics.predict(batch.observations, batch.actions) errors = ((batch.next_rewards - pred[1]) ** 2).reshape(-1) total_errors += errors.tolist() # smaller is better return -float(np.mean(total_errors))
[docs]def dynamics_prediction_variance_scorer( dynamics: DynamicsProtocol, episodes: List[Episode] ) -> float: """Returns prediction variance of ensemble dynamics (in negative scale). This metrics suggests how dynamics model is confident of test sets. If the variance is large, the dynamics model has large uncertainty. Args: dynamics: dynamics model. episodes: list of episodes. Returns: negative variance. """ total_variances = [] for episode in episodes: for batch in _make_batches(episode, WINDOW_SIZE, dynamics.n_frames): pred = dynamics.predict(batch.observations, batch.actions, True) pred = cast(Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray], pred) total_variances += pred[2].tolist() # smaller is better return -float(np.mean(total_variances))
NEGATIVE_SCORERS: List[Callable[[Any, List[Episode]], float]] = [ td_error_scorer, value_estimation_std_scorer, average_value_estimation_scorer, discounted_sum_of_advantage_scorer, continuous_action_diff_scorer, dynamics_observation_prediction_error_scorer, dynamics_reward_prediction_error_scorer, dynamics_prediction_variance_scorer, ]