Source code for d3rlpy.metrics.comparer

from typing import Callable, List

import numpy as np

from .scorer import _make_batches, AlgoProtocol, WINDOW_SIZE
from ..dataset import Episode

[docs]def compare_continuous_action_diff( base_algo: AlgoProtocol, ) -> Callable[[AlgoProtocol, List[Episode]], float]: r"""Returns scorer function of action difference between algorithms. This metrics suggests how different the two algorithms are in continuous action-space. If the algorithm to compare with is near-optimal, the small action difference would be better. .. math:: \mathbb{E}_{s_t \sim D} [(\pi_{\phi_1}(s_t) - \pi_{\phi_2}(s_t))^2] .. code-block:: python from d3rlpy.algos import CQL from d3rlpy.metrics.comparer import compare_continuous_action_diff cql1 = CQL() cql2 = CQL() scorer = compare_continuous_action_diff(cql1) squared_action_diff = scorer(cql2, ...) Args: base_algo: algorithm to comapre with. Returns: scorer function. """ def scorer(algo: AlgoProtocol, episodes: List[Episode]) -> float: total_diffs = [] for episode in episodes: # TODO: handle different n_frames for batch in _make_batches(episode, WINDOW_SIZE, algo.n_frames): base_actions = base_algo.predict(batch.observations) actions = algo.predict(batch.observations) diff = ((actions - base_actions) ** 2).sum(axis=1).tolist() total_diffs += diff # smaller is better, sometimes? return -float(np.mean(total_diffs)) return scorer
[docs]def compare_discrete_action_match( base_algo: AlgoProtocol, ) -> Callable[[AlgoProtocol, List[Episode]], float]: r"""Returns scorer function of action matches between algorithms. This metrics suggests how different the two algorithms are in discrete action-space. If the algorithm to compare with is near-optimal, the small action difference would be better. .. math:: \mathbb{E}_{s_t \sim D} [\parallel \{\text{argmax}_a Q_{\theta_1}(s_t, a) = \text{argmax}_a Q_{\theta_2}(s_t, a)\}] .. code-block:: python from d3rlpy.algos import DQN from d3rlpy.metrics.comparer import compare_continuous_action_diff dqn1 = DQN() dqn2 = DQN() scorer = compare_continuous_action_diff(dqn1) percentage_of_identical_actions = scorer(dqn2, ...) Args: base_algo: algorithm to comapre with. Returns: scorer function. """ def scorer(algo: AlgoProtocol, episodes: List[Episode]) -> float: total_matches = [] for episode in episodes: # TODO: handle different n_frames for batch in _make_batches(episode, WINDOW_SIZE, algo.n_frames): base_actions = base_algo.predict(batch.observations) actions = algo.predict(batch.observations) match = (base_actions == actions).tolist() total_matches += match return float(np.mean(total_matches)) return scorer