
d3rlpy supports smooth transition from offline training to online training.

Prepare Dataset and Environment

In this tutorial, let’s use a built-in dataset for CartPole-v0 environment.

import d3rlpy

# setup random CartPole-v0 dataset and environment
dataset, env = d3rlpy.datasets.get_dataset("cartpole-random")

Pretrain with Dataset

# setup algorithm
dqn = d3rlpy.algos.DQNConfig().create()

# start offline training, n_steps=100000)

Finetune with Environment

# setup experience replay buffer
buffer = d3rlpy.dataset.create_fifo_replay_buffer(limit=100000, env=env)

# setup exploration strategy if necessary
explorer = d3rlpy.algos.ConstantEpsilonGreedy(0.1)

# start finetuning
dqn.fit_online(env, buffer, explorer, n_steps=100000)

Finetune with Saved Policy

If you want to finetune the saved policy, that’s also easy to do with d3rlpy.

# setup algorithm
dqn = d3rlpy.load_learnable("dqn_model.d3")

# start finetuning
dqn.fit_online(env, buffer, explorer, n_steps=100000)

Finetune with Different Algorithm

If you want to finetune the saved policy trained offline with online RL algorithms, you can do it in an out-of-the-box way.

# setup offline RL algorithm
cql = d3rlpy.algos.DiscreteCQLConfig().create()

# train offline, n_steps=100000)

# transfer to DQN
dqn = d3rlpy.algos.DQNConfig().create()

# start finetuning
dqn.fit_online(env, buffer, explorer, n_steps=100000)

In actor-critic cases, you should also transfer the policy function.

# offline RL
cql = d3rlpy.algos.CQLConfig().create(), n_steps=100000)

# transfer to SAC
sac = d3rlpy.algos.SACConfig().create()

# online RL
sac.fit_online(env, buffer, n_steps=100000)