Source code for d3rlpy.algos.qlearning.base

from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import (

import gym
import numpy as np
import torch
from import tqdm, trange
from typing_extensions import Self

from ...base import ImplBase, LearnableBase, LearnableConfig, save_config
from ...constants import IMPL_NOT_INITIALIZED_ERROR, ActionSpace
from ...dataset import (
from ...logging import (
from ...metrics import EvaluatorProtocol, evaluate_qlearning_with_environment
from ...models.torch import EnsembleQFunction, Policy
from ...torch_utility import (
from ..utility import (
from .explorers import Explorer

__all__ = [

class QLearningAlgoImplBase(ImplBase):
    def predict_best_action(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        return self.inner_predict_best_action(x)

    def inner_predict_best_action(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:

    def sample_action(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        return self.inner_sample_action(x)

    def inner_sample_action(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:

    def predict_value(
        self, x: torch.Tensor, action: torch.Tensor
    ) -> torch.Tensor:
        return self.inner_predict_value(x, action)

    def inner_predict_value(
        self, x: torch.Tensor, action: torch.Tensor
    ) -> torch.Tensor:

    def policy(self) -> Policy:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def copy_policy_from(self, impl: "QLearningAlgoImplBase") -> None:
        if not isinstance(impl.policy, type(self.policy)):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid policy type: expected={type(self.policy)},"
        hard_sync(self.policy, impl.policy)

    def policy_optim(self) -> torch.optim.Optimizer:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def copy_policy_optim_from(self, impl: "QLearningAlgoImplBase") -> None:
        if not isinstance(impl.policy_optim, type(self.policy_optim)):
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid policy optimizer type: "
        sync_optimizer_state(self.policy_optim, impl.policy_optim)

    def q_function(self) -> EnsembleQFunction:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def copy_q_function_from(self, impl: "QLearningAlgoImplBase") -> None:
        q_func = self.q_function.q_funcs[0]
        if not isinstance(impl.q_function.q_funcs[0], type(q_func)):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Invalid Q-function type: expected={type(q_func)},"
        hard_sync(self.q_function, impl.q_function)

    def q_function_optim(self) -> torch.optim.Optimizer:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def copy_q_function_optim_from(self, impl: "QLearningAlgoImplBase") -> None:
        if not isinstance(impl.q_function_optim, type(self.q_function_optim)):
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid Q-function optimizer type: "
        sync_optimizer_state(self.q_function_optim, impl.q_function_optim)

    def reset_optimizer_states(self) -> None:

TQLearningImpl = TypeVar("TQLearningImpl", bound=QLearningAlgoImplBase)
TQLearningConfig = TypeVar("TQLearningConfig", bound=LearnableConfig)

[docs]class QLearningAlgoBase( Generic[TQLearningImpl, TQLearningConfig], LearnableBase[TQLearningImpl, TQLearningConfig], ):
[docs] def save_policy(self, fname: str) -> None: """Save the greedy-policy computational graph as TorchScript or ONNX. The format will be automatically detected by the file name. .. code-block:: python # save as TorchScript algo.save_policy('') # save as ONNX algo.save_policy('policy.onnx') The artifacts saved with this method will work without d3rlpy. This method is especially useful to deploy the learned policy to production environments or embedding systems. See also * (for Python). * (for C++). * (for ONNX) Args: fname: Destination file path. """ assert self._impl is not None, IMPL_NOT_INITIALIZED_ERROR if is_tuple_shape(self._impl.observation_shape): dummy_x = [ torch.rand(1, *shape, device=self._device) for shape in self._impl.observation_shape ] else: dummy_x = torch.rand( 1, *self._impl.observation_shape, device=self._device ) # workaround until version 1.6 freeze(self._impl) # dummy function to select best actions def _func(x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: assert self._impl if self._config.observation_scaler: x = self._config.observation_scaler.transform(x) action = self._impl.predict_best_action(x) if self._config.action_scaler: action = self._config.action_scaler.reverse_transform(action) return action traced_script = torch.jit.trace(_func, dummy_x, check_trace=False) if fname.endswith(".onnx"): # currently, PyTorch cannot directly export function as ONNX. torch.onnx.export( traced_script, dummy_x, fname, export_params=True, opset_version=11, input_names=["input_0"], output_names=["output_0"], ) elif fname.endswith(".pt"): else: raise ValueError( f"invalid format type: {fname}." " .pt and .onnx extensions are currently supported." ) # workaround until version 1.6 unfreeze(self._impl)
[docs] def predict(self, x: Observation) -> np.ndarray: """Returns greedy actions. .. code-block:: python # 100 observations with shape of (10,) x = np.random.random((100, 10)) actions = algo.predict(x) # actions.shape == (100, action size) for continuous control # actions.shape == (100,) for discrete control Args: x: Observations Returns: Greedy actions """ assert self._impl is not None, IMPL_NOT_INITIALIZED_ERROR assert check_non_1d_array(x), "Input must have batch dimension." # TODO: support tuple inputs torch_x = cast( torch.Tensor, convert_to_torch_recursively(x, self._device) ) with torch.no_grad(): if self._config.observation_scaler: torch_x = self._config.observation_scaler.transform(torch_x) action = self._impl.predict_best_action(torch_x) if self._config.action_scaler: action = self._config.action_scaler.reverse_transform(action) return action.cpu().detach().numpy()
[docs] def predict_value(self, x: Observation, action: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Returns predicted action-values. .. code-block:: python # 100 observations with shape of (10,) x = np.random.random((100, 10)) # for continuous control # 100 actions with shape of (2,) actions = np.random.random((100, 2)) # for discrete control # 100 actions in integer values actions = np.random.randint(2, size=100) values = algo.predict_value(x, actions) # values.shape == (100,) Args: x: Observations action: Actions Returns: Predicted action-values """ assert self._impl is not None, IMPL_NOT_INITIALIZED_ERROR assert check_non_1d_array(x), "Input must have batch dimension." # TODO: support tuple inputs torch_x = cast( torch.Tensor, convert_to_torch_recursively(x, self._device) ) torch_action = convert_to_torch(action, self._device) with torch.no_grad(): if self._config.observation_scaler: torch_x = self._config.observation_scaler.transform(torch_x) if self.get_action_type() == ActionSpace.CONTINUOUS: if self._config.action_scaler: torch_action = self._config.action_scaler.transform( torch_action ) elif self.get_action_type() == ActionSpace.DISCRETE: torch_action = torch_action.long() else: raise ValueError("invalid action type") value = self._impl.predict_value(torch_x, torch_action) return value.cpu().detach().numpy()
[docs] def sample_action(self, x: Observation) -> np.ndarray: """Returns sampled actions. The sampled actions are identical to the output of `predict` method if the policy is deterministic. Args: x: Observations. Returns: Sampled actions. """ assert self._impl is not None, IMPL_NOT_INITIALIZED_ERROR assert check_non_1d_array(x), "Input must have batch dimension." # TODO: support tuple inputs torch_x = cast( torch.Tensor, convert_to_torch_recursively(x, self._device) ) with torch.no_grad(): if self._config.observation_scaler: torch_x = self._config.observation_scaler.transform(torch_x) action = self._impl.sample_action(torch_x) # transform action back to the original range if self._config.action_scaler: action = self._config.action_scaler.reverse_transform(action) return action.cpu().detach().numpy()
[docs] def fit( self, dataset: ReplayBuffer, n_steps: int, n_steps_per_epoch: int = 10000, experiment_name: Optional[str] = None, with_timestamp: bool = True, logger_adapter: LoggerAdapterFactory = FileAdapterFactory(), show_progress: bool = True, save_interval: int = 1, evaluators: Optional[Dict[str, EvaluatorProtocol]] = None, callback: Optional[Callable[[Self, int, int], None]] = None, epoch_callback: Optional[Callable[[Self, int, int], None]] = None, ) -> List[Tuple[int, Dict[str, float]]]: """Trains with given dataset. .. code-block:: python, n_steps=1000000) Args: dataset: ReplayBuffer object. n_steps: Number of steps to train. n_steps_per_epoch: Number of steps per epoch. This value will be ignored when ``n_steps`` is ``None``. experiment_name: Experiment name for logging. If not passed, the directory name will be `{class name}_{timestamp}`. with_timestamp: Flag to add timestamp string to the last of directory name. logger_adapter: LoggerAdapterFactory object. show_progress: Flag to show progress bar for iterations. save_interval: Interval to save parameters. evaluators: List of evaluators. callback: Callable function that takes ``(algo, epoch, total_step)`` , which is called every step. epoch_callback: Callable function that takes ``(algo, epoch, total_step)``, which is called at the end of every epoch. Returns: List of result tuples (epoch, metrics) per epoch. """ results = list( self.fitter( dataset, n_steps, n_steps_per_epoch, experiment_name, with_timestamp, logger_adapter, show_progress, save_interval, evaluators, callback, epoch_callback, ) ) return results
[docs] def fitter( self, dataset: ReplayBuffer, n_steps: int, n_steps_per_epoch: int = 10000, experiment_name: Optional[str] = None, with_timestamp: bool = True, logger_adapter: LoggerAdapterFactory = FileAdapterFactory(), show_progress: bool = True, save_interval: int = 1, evaluators: Optional[Dict[str, EvaluatorProtocol]] = None, callback: Optional[Callable[[Self, int, int], None]] = None, epoch_callback: Optional[Callable[[Self, int, int], None]] = None, ) -> Generator[Tuple[int, Dict[str, float]], None, None]: """Iterate over epochs steps to train with the given dataset. At each iteration algo methods and properties can be changed or queried. .. code-block:: python for epoch, metrics in algo.fitter(episodes): my_plot(metrics) algo.save_model(my_path) Args: dataset: Offline dataset to train. n_steps: Number of steps to train. n_steps_per_epoch: Number of steps per epoch. This value will be ignored when ``n_steps`` is ``None``. experiment_name: Experiment name for logging. If not passed, the directory name will be `{class name}_{timestamp}`. with_timestamp: Flag to add timestamp string to the last of directory name. logger_adapter: LoggerAdapterFactory object. show_progress: Flag to show progress bar for iterations. save_interval: Interval to save parameters. evaluators: List of evaluators. callback: Callable function that takes ``(algo, epoch, total_step)`` , which is called every step. epoch_callback: Callable function that takes ``(algo, epoch, total_step)``, which is called at the end of every epoch. Returns: Iterator yielding current epoch and metrics dict. """ dataset_info = DatasetInfo.from_episodes(dataset.episodes)"dataset info", dataset_info=dataset_info) # check action space assert_action_space_with_dataset(self, dataset_info) # initialize scalers build_scalers_with_transition_picker(self, dataset) # setup logger if experiment_name is None: experiment_name = self.__class__.__name__ logger = D3RLPyLogger( adapter_factory=logger_adapter, experiment_name=experiment_name, with_timestamp=with_timestamp, ) # instantiate implementation if self._impl is None: LOG.debug("Building models...") action_size = dataset_info.action_size observation_shape = ( dataset.sample_transition().observation_signature.shape[0] ) self.create_impl(observation_shape, action_size) LOG.debug("Models have been built.") else: LOG.warning("Skip building models since they're already built.") # save hyperparameters save_config(self, logger) # training loop n_epochs = n_steps // n_steps_per_epoch total_step = 0 for epoch in range(1, n_epochs + 1): # dict to add incremental mean losses to epoch epoch_loss = defaultdict(list) range_gen = tqdm( range(n_steps_per_epoch), disable=not show_progress, desc=f"Epoch {int(epoch)}/{n_epochs}", ) for itr in range_gen: with logger.measure_time("step"): # pick transitions with logger.measure_time("sample_batch"): batch = dataset.sample_transition_batch( self._config.batch_size ) # update parameters with logger.measure_time("algorithm_update"): loss = self.update(batch) # record metrics for name, val in loss.items(): logger.add_metric(name, val) epoch_loss[name].append(val) # update progress postfix with losses if itr % 10 == 0: mean_loss = { k: np.mean(v) for k, v in epoch_loss.items() } range_gen.set_postfix(mean_loss) total_step += 1 # call callback if given if callback: callback(self, epoch, total_step) # call epoch_callback if given if epoch_callback: epoch_callback(self, epoch, total_step) if evaluators: for name, evaluator in evaluators.items(): test_score = evaluator(self, dataset) logger.add_metric(name, test_score) # save metrics metrics = logger.commit(epoch, total_step) # save model parameters if epoch % save_interval == 0: logger.save_model(total_step, self) yield epoch, metrics logger.close()
[docs] def fit_online( self, env: gym.Env[Any, Any], buffer: Optional[ReplayBuffer] = None, explorer: Optional[Explorer] = None, n_steps: int = 1000000, n_steps_per_epoch: int = 10000, update_interval: int = 1, update_start_step: int = 0, random_steps: int = 0, eval_env: Optional[gym.Env[Any, Any]] = None, eval_epsilon: float = 0.0, save_interval: int = 1, experiment_name: Optional[str] = None, with_timestamp: bool = True, logger_adapter: LoggerAdapterFactory = FileAdapterFactory(), show_progress: bool = True, callback: Optional[Callable[[Self, int, int], None]] = None, ) -> None: """Start training loop of online deep reinforcement learning. Args: env: Gym-like environment. buffer : Replay buffer. explorer: Action explorer. n_steps: Number of total steps to train. n_steps_per_epoch: Number of steps per epoch. update_interval: Number of steps per update. update_start_step: Steps before starting updates. random_steps: Steps for the initial random explortion. eval_env: Gym-like environment. If None, evaluation is skipped. eval_epsilon: :math:`\\epsilon`-greedy factor during evaluation. save_interval: Number of epochs before saving models. experiment_name: Experiment name for logging. If not passed, the directory name will be ``{class name}_online_{timestamp}``. with_timestamp: Flag to add timestamp string to the last of directory name. logger_adapter: LoggerAdapterFactory object. show_progress: Flag to show progress bar for iterations. callback: Callable function that takes ``(algo, epoch, total_step)`` , which is called at the end of epochs. """ # create default replay buffer if buffer is None: buffer = create_fifo_replay_buffer(1000000) # check action-space assert_action_space_with_env(self, env) # setup logger if experiment_name is None: experiment_name = self.__class__.__name__ + "_online" logger = D3RLPyLogger( adapter_factory=logger_adapter, experiment_name=experiment_name, with_timestamp=with_timestamp, ) # initialize algorithm parameters build_scalers_with_env(self, env) # setup algorithm if self.impl is None: LOG.debug("Building model...") self.build_with_env(env) LOG.debug("Model has been built.") else: LOG.warning("Skip building models since they're already built.") # save hyperparameters save_config(self, logger) # switch based on show_progress flag xrange = trange if show_progress else range # start training loop observation, _ = env.reset() rollout_return = 0.0 for total_step in xrange(1, n_steps + 1): with logger.measure_time("step"): # sample exploration action with logger.measure_time("inference"): if total_step < random_steps: action = env.action_space.sample() elif explorer: x = observation.reshape((1,) + observation.shape) action = explorer.sample(self, x, total_step)[0] else: action = self.sample_action( np.expand_dims(observation, axis=0) )[0] # step environment with logger.measure_time("environment_step"): ( next_observation, reward, terminal, truncated, _, ) = env.step(action) rollout_return += reward clip_episode = terminal or truncated # store observation buffer.append(observation, action, reward) # reset if terminated if clip_episode: buffer.clip_episode(terminal) observation, _ = env.reset() logger.add_metric("rollout_return", rollout_return) rollout_return = 0.0 else: observation = next_observation # psuedo epoch count epoch = total_step // n_steps_per_epoch if ( total_step > update_start_step and buffer.transition_count > self.batch_size ): if total_step % update_interval == 0: # sample mini-batch with logger.measure_time("sample_batch"): batch = buffer.sample_transition_batch( self.batch_size ) # update parameters with logger.measure_time("algorithm_update"): loss = self.update(batch) # record metrics for name, val in loss.items(): logger.add_metric(name, val) # call callback if given if callback: callback(self, epoch, total_step) if epoch > 0 and total_step % n_steps_per_epoch == 0: # evaluation if eval_env: eval_score = evaluate_qlearning_with_environment( self, eval_env, epsilon=eval_epsilon ) logger.add_metric("evaluation", eval_score) if epoch % save_interval == 0: logger.save_model(total_step, self) # save metrics logger.commit(epoch, total_step) # clip the last episode buffer.clip_episode(False) # close logger logger.close()
[docs] def collect( self, env: gym.Env[Any, Any], buffer: Optional[ReplayBuffer] = None, explorer: Optional[Explorer] = None, deterministic: bool = False, n_steps: int = 1000000, show_progress: bool = True, ) -> ReplayBuffer: """Collects data via interaction with environment. If ``buffer`` is not given, ``ReplayBuffer`` will be internally created. Args: env: Fym-like environment. buffer: Replay buffer. explorer: Action explorer. deterministic: Flag to collect data with the greedy policy. n_steps: Number of total steps to train. show_progress: Flag to show progress bar for iterations. Returns: Replay buffer with the collected data. """ # create default replay buffer if buffer is None: buffer = create_fifo_replay_buffer(1000000, env=env) # check action-space assert_action_space_with_env(self, env) # initialize algorithm parameters build_scalers_with_env(self, env) # setup algorithm if self.impl is None: LOG.debug("Building model...") self.build_with_env(env) LOG.debug("Model has been built.") else: LOG.warning("Skip building models since they're already built.") # switch based on show_progress flag xrange = trange if show_progress else range # start training loop observation, _ = env.reset() for total_step in xrange(1, n_steps + 1): # sample exploration action if deterministic: action = self.predict(np.expand_dims(observation, axis=0))[0] else: if explorer: x = observation.reshape((1,) + observation.shape) action = explorer.sample(self, x, total_step)[0] else: action = self.sample_action( np.expand_dims(observation, axis=0) )[0] # step environment next_observation, reward, terminal, truncated, _ = env.step(action) clip_episode = terminal or truncated # store observation buffer.append(observation, action, reward) # reset if terminated if clip_episode: buffer.clip_episode(terminal) observation, _ = env.reset() else: observation = next_observation # clip the last episode buffer.clip_episode(False) return buffer
[docs] def update(self, batch: TransitionMiniBatch) -> Dict[str, float]: """Update parameters with mini-batch of data. Args: batch: Mini-batch data. Returns: Dictionary of metrics. """ torch_batch = TorchMiniBatch.from_batch( batch=batch, device=self._device, observation_scaler=self._config.observation_scaler, action_scaler=self._config.action_scaler, reward_scaler=self._config.reward_scaler, ) loss = self.inner_update(torch_batch) self._grad_step += 1 return loss
[docs] @abstractmethod def inner_update(self, batch: TorchMiniBatch) -> Dict[str, float]: """Update parameters with PyTorch mini-batch. Args: batch: PyTorch mini-batch data. Returns: Dictionary of metrics. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def copy_policy_from( self, algo: "QLearningAlgoBase[QLearningAlgoImplBase, LearnableConfig]" ) -> None: """Copies policy parameters from the given algorithm. .. code-block:: python # pretrain with static dataset cql = d3rlpy.algos.CQL(), n_steps=100000) # transfer to online algorithm sac = d3rlpy.algos.SAC() sac.create_impl(cql.observation_shape, cql.action_size) sac.copy_policy_from(cql) Args: algo: Algorithm object. """ assert self._impl, IMPL_NOT_INITIALIZED_ERROR assert isinstance(algo.impl, QLearningAlgoImplBase) self._impl.copy_policy_from(algo.impl)
[docs] def copy_policy_optim_from( self, algo: "QLearningAlgoBase[QLearningAlgoImplBase, LearnableConfig]" ) -> None: """Copies policy optimizer states from the given algorithm. .. code-block:: python # pretrain with static dataset cql = d3rlpy.algos.CQL(), n_steps=100000) # transfer to online algorithm sac = d3rlpy.algos.SAC() sac.create_impl(cql.observation_shape, cql.action_size) sac.copy_policy_optim_from(cql) Args: algo: Algorithm object. """ assert self._impl, IMPL_NOT_INITIALIZED_ERROR assert isinstance(algo.impl, QLearningAlgoImplBase) self._impl.copy_policy_optim_from(algo.impl)
[docs] def copy_q_function_from( self, algo: "QLearningAlgoBase[QLearningAlgoImplBase, LearnableConfig]" ) -> None: """Copies Q-function parameters from the given algorithm. .. code-block:: python # pretrain with static dataset cql = d3rlpy.algos.CQL(), n_steps=100000) # transfer to online algorithmn sac = d3rlpy.algos.SAC() sac.create_impl(cql.observation_shape, cql.action_size) sac.copy_q_function_from(cql) Args: algo: Algorithm object. """ assert self._impl, IMPL_NOT_INITIALIZED_ERROR assert isinstance(algo.impl, QLearningAlgoImplBase) self._impl.copy_q_function_from(algo.impl)
[docs] def copy_q_function_optim_from( self, algo: "QLearningAlgoBase[QLearningAlgoImplBase, LearnableConfig]" ) -> None: """Copies Q-function optimizer states from the given algorithm. .. code-block:: python # pretrain with static dataset cql = d3rlpy.algos.CQL(), n_steps=100000) # transfer to online algorithm sac = d3rlpy.algos.SAC() sac.create_impl(cql.observation_shape, cql.action_size) sac.copy_policy_optim_from(cql) Args: algo: Algorithm object. """ assert self._impl, IMPL_NOT_INITIALIZED_ERROR assert isinstance(algo.impl, QLearningAlgoImplBase) self._impl.copy_q_function_optim_from(algo.impl)
[docs] def reset_optimizer_states(self) -> None: """Resets optimizer states. This is especially useful when fine-tuning policies with setting inital optimizer states. """ assert self._impl, IMPL_NOT_INITIALIZED_ERROR self._impl.reset_optimizer_states()