Use Distributional Q-Function

The one of the unique features in d3rlpy is to use distributional Q-functions with arbitrary d3rlpy algorithms. The distributional Q-functions are powerful and potentially capable of improving performance of any algorithms. In this tutorial, you can learn how to use them. Check Q Functions for more information.

Specify by String Alias

The supported Q-functions can be specified by string alias. In this case, the default hyper-parameters will be used for the Q-function.

import d3rlpy

# default standard Q-function
sac = d3rlpy.algos.SAC(q_func_factory="mean")

# Quantile Regression Q-function
sac = d3rlpy.algos.SAC(q_func_factory="qr")

# Implicit Quantile Network Q-function
sac = d3rlpy.algos.SAC(q_func_factory="iqn")

Specify by instantiating QFunctionFactory

If you want to specify hyper-parameters, you need to instantiate a QFunctionFactory object.

# default standard Q-function
mean_q_function = d3rlpy.models.q_functions.MeanQFunctionFactory()
sac = d3rlpy.algos.SAC(q_func_factory=mean_q_function)

# Quantile Regression Q-function
qr_q_function = d3rlpy.models.q_functions.QRQFunctionFactory(n_quantiles=200)
sac = d3rlpy.algos.SAC(q_func_factory=qr_q_function)

# Implicit Quantile Network Q-function
iqn_q_function = d3rlpy.models.q_functions.IQNQFunctionFactory(
sac = d3rlpy.algos.SAC(q_func_factory=iqn_q_function)